the story of my wallet..! (part 2)

selesai UAS... akhirnya gw pulang ke Bogor.. Mau ngurus surat-surat yang ilang... KTP, SIM, n ATM... But, suddenly... On my third day in Bogor... Some one from Surabaya called me... She said that she found my identity.. And she tell me that I can take it on her house... Karna masih di bogor, yawda gw minta tolong sama sodara gw bwt ngambil dompet gw...

Alhamdulillah surat2 balik smua, walaupun dalam keadaan yang katanya mengenaskan... Ga jelas bentuknya... Belang-bentong kena air.. Tapi ga papa deh, yang penting balik...!

But how 'bout my wallet...? It's still gone.. The founder said that she only found my identity in a black plastic bag.. without the wallet...! huff..! yah, smoga si item brada di tangan yang lebih membutuhkan n membawa manfaat.. Amin..

All I wanna say from this story is that, in facing some problem.. We shouldn't lost our spirit... We should keep fighting and pass it through... Allah will Always Give us all the best... but, we mustn't only try, but also pray... Believe in Allah's Power.. Jalani dengan ikhlas... Rejeki ga kmana koq...!

*dedicated to my lost wallet


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